Ceiling cladding

Ceiling cladding information:
Product code: TOT
Specification: width 250mm -200 mm -100 mm
Thickness: 5mm-6mm-8mm
Colors: Basic colors
Materials: PVC ceiling panels are manufactured from synthetic PVC and synthetic additives that resist aging and impact resistance.
Ceiling panel application:
Used as ceiling in interior decoration such as hotels, houses, offices, hospitals, schools … ..
Ceiling panel characteristics:
* Lightweight, easy to handle and transport with flexibility and elasticity
* Resistant to heat, fire, resistant to chemicals such as acids, ..
* Diversity of colors and color models to suit even the most “difficult” rows
* Easy to clean and suitable for special weather very cheap compared to all other materials.
Description of ceiling cladding:
PVC ceiling panels are one of the most preferred materials for ceilings in the furniture industry, because of its superior features such as diverse colors, flat surfaces, waterproof, heat-resistant, lightweight … Using PVC ceiling cladding is an economical and convenient solution in a simple process.
Warranty: 5 years

  • Common infomation
  • Test results
  • Production Technology
  • Ceiling panel characteristics:

    * Lightweight, Easy to apply and transport with flexibility and elasticity

    * Resistant to heat, fire, resistant to chemicals such as acids, ..

    * Diversity of colors and color models to suit even the most “difficult” rows

    * Easy to clean and suitable for special weather very cheap compared to all other materials.

    PVC ceiling panels are the perfect replacement compared to plasterboards that are not resistant to water and high humidity in Vietnam. With light advantages, easy installation and low cost

    Structure: Structure; Including hollow PVC panels divided into partitions with the function of preventing hot surfaces from being rolled with Film films with various colors such as wood grain and stone grain

    Specification; platter 3 sizes of 250 mm -200mm-100mm thickness 5-6-8 mm

    Ceiling panels are used to replace and refurbish ceilings for offices, houses, meeting rooms … with fast construction time, low cost.